Friday, January 20, 2017

Tech Tip: Embed Facebook in Blogger Post

Hello. I have never embedded a Facebook photo before, although I've used an embedding feature for other things before. I'd like to note that it can be a bit tricky to get this feature to work property. For example, I keep my profile on Facebook set completely to "private". My photos do NOT have an "embed" option. I had to share the photo to my timeline with a "public" privacy setting for this to work! I even tried to "share" my photo and make the new post "public" and that would not work either! Learn something new everyday, I suppose!! Obviously I eventually figured this out, so just for fun, I'd like to introduce you to our "fur" babies!!! =)

This is one of our "puppies", Bandit... He loves the snow and always has!!

He isn't such a "puppy" anymore though...

These two are Sam (left) and Rolo (right)...

This was my chinchilla, Kronk. Unfortunately he passed away recently. =(

These guys are Peach (top), Boozer (bottom, left), and Nugget (bottom right)...

This is our newest (and with any luck LAST) addition, Fury... He was named by an 8 year old that felt "Fury" was fitting, because he furiously attacked my sister's shoelaces when they came over.

And, last but not least, this is Oatmeal... He's a Quaker Parrot and he's hilarious! He keeps our guests entertained when we have company.

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