(Moving day!!; personal photo, taken by me) |
We moved this week. I was a little frustrated, because I had to miss class Wednesday and I really hate to miss class. I didn't really have a choice though, because my boss would not let me off of work for Tuesday, the day we closed on the house. So, we had to wait until Wednesday. It has been a really weird and hectic week. First of all, I'm about 13 miles further from OU now but I now live 15 miles closer to school and about 15 miles closer to my minor step son now. You have to take the good and bad together, I suppose. Being further from school isn't very fun, because I have to get up earlier and I also now have to take one of the busiest city highways to get to school. Whereas before, I was able to take mostly back roads and I didn't have to deal with traffic too much. However, both being closer to my step son and being closer to work are major bonuses in my book, because I will use less gas to go to work, I can leave a little bit later and will be home a little earlier at night, and it won't take as long or use as much gas to pick up my step son and also, I'll get to see him a lot more now that we're closer so it will be much easier to spend time with him. I haven't lived in the city for about 12 or 13 years and it is definitely an adjustment for me. Nothing bad, so far: just "different". We live right by the highway now(like literally, there is a brick barrier that sits just behind our back yard and if it weren't there I would be able to walk out my back gate and straight up onto the highway!) but the city sounds, such as traffic, are actually calming to me. I guess that's because I grew up in the city, so the country sounds have freaked me out on many occasions over the last 12 or 13 years. You would think I would have adjusted by now but I haven't apparently. Lol. It is also incredible that there are so many stores REALLY close to my house now. I have a grocery store within walking distance, although I would more than likely never walk up there (but you never know). There are all kinds of fast food places and different merchandise stores. I absolutely love it. I really did not realize how much I missed the city until the last few days, being back in the city.
Since I'm ahead in Myth and Folklore, I didn't have any reading to do for this week. Instead, I did some reflection assignments, in preparation for Spring Break. So there isn't too much to report on that front. In my Spanish class, however, I think I've maybe finally made a really big stride this week. In the class I'm currently in, I have to make 4 phone calls to someone in another country throughout the semester. It's on a system called "TalkAbroad" and you have to pay for these conversations. It's set up similar to skype, where you can video chat with your "conversation partner". The first one was absolutely horrible for me. I felt like an idiot and I'm pretty sure my conversation partner hated "talking" to me. It was just not a good experience. This week, I had to make phone call number two and I'm really happy with how it went. I actually didn't even realize that my 30 minute conversation was coming to a close until the man I was talking to thanked me for talking to him and started to say goodbye! I was extremely proud of myself and how smoothly that conversation went, because I've really struggled in that area. So, for me, being able to carry on a 30 minute conversation was a big stride! I was also able to keep up with my "ahead of the class" schedule this week, in spite of moving 20 miles away and trying to get everything set up, so I'm pretty proud of that as well!
I think that's about all for this week. Check back for more adventures with my new home next week around this time!!
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